Wednesday, March 3, 2010

like steel in my palms

Here are some socks I knitted! Actually, this is the very first pair of socks I finished. I knitted one sock before I did these, but one of the double pointed needles broke halfway through the second sock, and I never finished.

Also, here are some pictures of the outfit I wore for most of yesterday! As you can see, it's terribly exciting.

I love this shirt a lot, probably more than I should. I stole it from my dad a few years ago, and it's among my very favorite things in my wardrobe; I wear it all the time, and my dad had it for years before I got my hands on it, so it's pretty worn out. Like, it is full of holes and I should probably throw it out, but I just can't bring myself to. I've tried to fix some of the tears, but the faric is worn so thin it's pretty much pointless. Sigh.

Man, I am like so vain, right? You can see things in my room behind me. Weird.

Also, I said "most of yesterday" because I changed before I went to the dentist because there were too many tears in my shirt. Why did I go to the dentist, you ask? To get one of my extra wisdom teeth (I have three beyond the usual 4 wisdom teeth) pulled! Yikes! They gave me nitrous, which was nice. But now my face hurts.

Old old shirt, AA leggings

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

this beautiful creature must die

While this is (obviously) an amazingly hideous ensemble, I kind of have to respect the incredible fuck-you attitude of French designer Quentin Veron.
It seriously bothers me how politically incorrect it has become to express anything but contempt for fur, let alone actually own something made of fur. It's ridiculous for any organization (i.e. PETA) to wholeheartedly condemn fur and anyone audacious enough to wear it without shame, while apparently not doing anything to prevent people from wearing leather. I could be wrong here, but I can't remember any kind of campaign against wearing leather from PETA or any other organization. And guess what? Leather is also made out of the skin of animals!

Perhaps it's easier for people to ignore that leather comes from animals than it is fur, or perhaps it's part of the "we only care about the cute ones" mentality I so often encounter. I've encountered several people that refuse to eat lamb or veal because "they're sooo cute", but don't seem to have a problem with eating steak or chicken; it's the same attitude that allows people to continue to wear leather without a second thought and still condemn anyone who dares to wear fur.

Personally, I quite like fur, and I have justified owning it to a few people by explaining that I only wear vintage fur; the truth is that if I could afford new fur, I would most likely buy it. And until people start condemning leather the same way they do fur, I'm not even going to consider giving it up.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I must have looked like a ghost 'cause something frightened me

I keep waiting for spring and for the snow to melt. I can tell it's almost here, but it isn't coming soon enough. So some days I dress like it is.

I'm still terribly obsessed with the 90s, and floral prints in particular. I was so happy when I found this dress at H&M when I was visiting Elise in Toronto; I feel like I've been looking for it forever. The fact that it's made of 100% recycled materials, including PET bottles is good too, I guess.

H&M dress, Joe Fresh cardigan & tights, creepy scarf I love