Thursday, December 4, 2008

I don't deserve you, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Hi there. Hiiii. Please be mine? 

These shoes are disgustingly good. It looks like they cut the shoe in half or something. I am a huge Camper fan now (even though I used to hate them), especially when it comes to the "twins" collection. I love the idea of shoes being a pair without being identical, or completely symmetrical. Also I just love the shoes in general. The flat version (below) is also pretty fabulous, but I'm trying to incorporate a lot more every-day wear heels into my shoe wardrobe.

$225 and $200, respectively. At Gravity Pope.

1 comment:

kittensocks said...

I am not that big of a fan. you like random shoes, though, so I'll forgive you.
love, Bekki