Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm dancing for money, the perfect man.

These are the kind of shoes I've really been lusting after lately. They seem really summery to me, without being sandals, which is great because I kind of really hate sandals; I'll most likely do a post on that in the very near future.

These specific shoes are from Urban Outfitters (imagine that) and I've been eyeing them on the website for months now, but I feel like the extra $50 for shipping is really on worth it if I order a whole lot of stuff.  BUT this weekend the fam and I are venturing up to Edmonton to hit up west-ed mall, which means UO and Forever 21! Obviously there are about a million other stores there too, but I can't say I really care about them, though I wouldn't mind a quick trip to H&M; I hardly ever take the time to go there in Calgary.

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