Tuesday, March 2, 2010

this beautiful creature must die

While this is (obviously) an amazingly hideous ensemble, I kind of have to respect the incredible fuck-you attitude of French designer Quentin Veron.
It seriously bothers me how politically incorrect it has become to express anything but contempt for fur, let alone actually own something made of fur. It's ridiculous for any organization (i.e. PETA) to wholeheartedly condemn fur and anyone audacious enough to wear it without shame, while apparently not doing anything to prevent people from wearing leather. I could be wrong here, but I can't remember any kind of campaign against wearing leather from PETA or any other organization. And guess what? Leather is also made out of the skin of animals!

Perhaps it's easier for people to ignore that leather comes from animals than it is fur, or perhaps it's part of the "we only care about the cute ones" mentality I so often encounter. I've encountered several people that refuse to eat lamb or veal because "they're sooo cute", but don't seem to have a problem with eating steak or chicken; it's the same attitude that allows people to continue to wear leather without a second thought and still condemn anyone who dares to wear fur.

Personally, I quite like fur, and I have justified owning it to a few people by explaining that I only wear vintage fur; the truth is that if I could afford new fur, I would most likely buy it. And until people start condemning leather the same way they do fur, I'm not even going to consider giving it up.


Elise said...

Yay you mentioned me in the post before this! And as you know I obvs love fur.

And that song makes me wanna eat turkey real bad.

I hope you read your comments!

IP Lawyers Melbourne said...

God I love fur..but still..sigh ..