Monday, December 1, 2008

Pounce like a kitten

For real, I DON'T EVEN CARE that this is supposed to be lingerie, or that it's $350. I don't care if I would seem like a raging ho for wearing this out of the house. If this somehow came in to my possession, I would wear it all the time, most likely with just tights, no matter how ridiculous I might look. The point is that none of that matters, because it is the most fabulous thing that I have ever seen in my entire life, and I NEED it desperately. I can feel deep in my heart that we were meant to be together. I don't think it would hurt in my quest to seduce The Boy, either.

Iona bodysuit, Agent Provacateur.

1 comment:

kittensocks said...

Love.. oh my god, if I get a job I am soooooo getting some of their skivvies..