Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm the man who loves you

I'm feeling an intense sense of need here. This girl's jumpsuit is pretty much my life right now. 
It has suddenly become extremely urgent that I acquire a nude, wide leg jumpsuit. Ideally, it would be satin or maybe like a chiffon, and would have either a mock wrap top or buttons.
I looked on etsy this afternoon and found a vintage one that would pretty much do the trick, for under $40 (with free shipping!), except for the very tiny (actually rather large) problem that the inseam of the pants comes up about 4" short.  I also found a few handmade ones that would probably do, but they are miles out of my current price range.
But I won't give up! Operation Jumpsuit must be a success!
(If anyone sees any anywhere, send a link or picture my way! My craving must be sated!)

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