Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oh oh oh I'm on fire

One thing that I get a lot of at school is funny looks. For example, when I was walking back from class today I had my scarf on my head because my ears were cold and this girl gave me the weirdest look! I think she was a nursing student though, so you know.* Mainly these looks come from people in other programs, but sometimes even from fellow fashion students! Personally, I am of the opinion that that means I am doing something right. In my head other people at the college think of me as "that weird tall girl who wears crazy stuff", but I'm sure I'm just flattering myself and they don't think of me at all.
This is just so extremely cute I had to share it with everyone! If I had this little bundle of bun bun happiness and joy I would carry it everywhere in my pocket!

*I really have nothing against nursing students, honest. They are very nice people! It's just that they are always in Lulus and uggs/crocs/flip-flops or scrubs.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I feel you, I feel you

If I had an extra $600 lying around to spend on shoes, these puppies would currently be at the top of my list. I also saw these while I was on the website, which perplexed me somewhat, since they aren't in stock and came out about three years ago. I know this because I wanted them so so badly when the first came out, but sadly did not have over $300 to spend on shoes. I've been dreaming of them ever since, and I've always regretted not buying them when I had the chance. Well, my chance has come again! Seeing them again prompted me to do a quick search, and I found them on ebay in my size in the colour combination I wanted originally for $125 (canadian!) and am seriously considering making the purchase. Just let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning.

Completely unrelated: my roommates and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire tonight and HOLY was it ever good. I almost cried at the end, which is kind of a big deal because I honestly never cry in movies. If you haven't seen it yet GO NOW! I swear that unless you hate feelings you will love this movie. An interesting fact that I noticed was that the guy that played Anwar on Skins played Jamal (the lead character).

Crocodile soup, crocodile soup, is I see one more pair of these I think I'm gonna puke

I'm sure that I'm not alone in my thoughts that the main reason that people wear crocs is because they are extremely sloppy and lazy, and just want to be comfortable and obviously don't give a shit about how they look or how others perceive them, not because they think they look nice/are stylish.
BUT THEN the other day I was walking to the res office to pick up a package (from MAC! Hi hi Hello Kitty!) and I saw a woman wearing decorated crocs. This got me thinking; if you care enough to go to the trouble of embellishing your shoes, you must care about how they look, which means that this woman (I can't bring myself to call someone in crocs a lady) must have actually liked these shoes. Up until this point I assumed that everyone knew crocs were ugly, but wore them regardless. Now I am not so sure. My world is crashing down around me.

SEE? Why would you do this to your shoes if you didn't like them? Also, how can someone do this to their shoes and still have respect for themselves?
I also came across this little gem: You by Crocs. Apparently the brand is branching out into "fashionable" (read: weird, boring, and ugly) footwear, which is supposedly comfortable. Even if the shoes were nice, I couldn't buy them on principle. I refuse to be a part of a brand that is further encouraging the slobinization of the world through excessively hideous footwear. When will people learn that shoes can be comfortable AND beautiful?
Also, a note to whoever writes the product descriptions on the crocs website: 3.5" in no way equates to a "towering" heel. 3.5" is pretty moderate. In that vein, a 3" platform wedge is NOT "super high". That's nothing.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I got a date with the night

There is a NEW Yeah Yeah Yeahs album coming out! This is how excited I am:
I have to wait all the way till April but I can do it! I am so so so happy about this, you have no idea. They Yeah Yeah Yeahs are one of my very favorite bands of all time and I have been waiting so long for a new album!
Also, if you are somehow not aware of this, Karen O is probably my one major fashion icon, more in the way of rocking whatever ridiculous thing you want to wear than actually dressing like her, per-se, but she has mad confidence and she's totally incredible. Actually she's one of the reasons I wanted to dye my hair black, and once someone said I reminded them of her and it made my day. Also, I've been considering getting my hair cut into a Karen O-esque bowl cut for the last year, but I have serious doubts as to my ability to pull it off.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's reading week, but I aint reading

This is more of what I've been up to:

Far more of the former than the latter, unfortunately (fortunately for my liver, though, I suppose). I have a few things cooking in the knitting-related realm, but I don't want to go into super detail lest I jinx/get ahead of myself. I have a bunch more stuff I really want to get finished before I go back to school on monday, so my fingers are crossed. 
My plans for the next few days include:
  1. Helping my little sister henna her hair
  2. Buying new jeans (all of mine that I like have holes in them)
  3. Stopping by my favorite yarn store to buy the most amazing yarn ever, Soft Chunky from Twinkle (sooo soft) for the most amazing sweater I have in mind.
  4. Finishing Chels's vest
  5. Knitting up a storm!
Plus some other more secretive things, especially Nanuq!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dream Hair?

I think that, as much as I go for the absolute opposite of this in my normal life, this is my dream hair. I can only imagine how amazing it would be to have hair like that. Sigh.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dear The World,

"Recessionista" is not an acceptable word to be using, ever. In fact, is is NOT A WORD at all. Yes, I said it. I think it is gross and I honestly want to puke every single time i hear (or, more often, read) it. Whoever made it up should be severely punished, perhaps with one of these devices. My personal favorite is the hanging cage, but I prefer the one I saw in Germany that looks like a giant bird cage with giant spikes all over  the bottom, so you might get the opportunity to bleed to death before dying of starvation or exposure. Lovely. 
While we're at it, can we also stop with the "fashionista"/"stylista" business? It really is nearly as bad. Can't you just say that someone is stylish? Is it really necessary to make up stupid, ridiculous words to say something so simple?

Thank You.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I've never had a job because I've never wanted one

Whoa, look: an outfit post! Dude. I know. Today I was feeling a little bad-ass (more bad-ass esque, I guess, I'm not sure I'm capable of true bad-assery) So I wore my leather look leggings and sweet sweet Sam Edelman ankle boots that I hadn't actually worn out yet. I also wore a flannel I stole from my Dad this weekend, I ransacked the house for clothes and ended up with a pretty dece haul, including several (un-ripped) flannels of my father's. This picture is in my living room, if you were wondering. Now you know what another part of my house looks like. Please note the tiger blanket and crying baby piggy bank.
They're actually a bit big, but I ordered them from UO and by the time I got them they were sold out of the grey ones and I didn't want another colour, so whatever, it just means I can wear real socks. AND you should be proud of me, I actually wore them all day at school (8:30-3) and I usually end up changing into flats after my first class (I'm a bit of a wimp)

And Now, Things That Happened Today:
  1. We learnt about how, in the 18th Century, women used to wear wigs up to 3' tall (most women at the time were between 4' and 5' tall)and decorate them with such tasteful things as model ships, vases full of flowers, and cages with live birds inside. We think that that would be an excellent party theme.
  2. During the fashion club meeting, two of my teachers ogled my boots the whole time and told me they were the most amazing thing ever (one said she worshiped them) and at the end of the meeting told everyone to look at my boots because they were so amazing. Then everyone freaked their beans for a bit. You should also note that there is a map of New York on the sole.
  3. Also in the fashion club meeting, we discussed out upcoming pub crawl, with the theme "neon-a-thon", and i must say I'm actually looking forward to it.
  4. For our retail buying class, we had to do consumer research in the form of a fashion count or questionnaire. I am at a loss as to what this actually has to do with retail buying, actually, we haven't really learned anything about actual retail buying yet, but I digress. My group chose to count the number of girls wearing Uggs, Lululemon sweatpants, and both at once. Out of 200 girls in the college that walked by us, 54 fit in to one of the categories. That's over 25%! EW! And now we have to write a ten page paper about our findings, oh wait, NO, I believe our teacher's exact words were "Oh, um, I don't know? Is 10 pages fair? I think that sounds good?" Right. That should be lovely.
  5. I forgot it was only Tuesday several times and got excited about it being Wednesday, and then got very sad when I realized it was not.