Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hopelessly Devoted To You

So, I've had the idea of sort of cataloguing my wardrobe, or at least my favorite pieces. I'm not sure exactly why I decided to do this, but I really like the concept of having pictures of the things I wear every day as individual pieces, without the context of being part of an outfit.
I decided to start by documenting my shoe collection, because (as I'm sure you all know) I really love shoes, and I have quite a few of them. I began with my oxfords, which you can see below!

Campers, a bunch of money at Gravity Pope.
I love love love these shoes! The leather is buttery soft, and they're so comfortable.

These were about $5 at Value Village, and they had never even been worn!

I ordered these from Urban Outfitters last year, and while I do really like them, I hardly wear them because they sort of kill my feet. They're also the only high heel oxfords I own, which surprised me for a moment, since I sort of feel like I should have more than that.

These are also from Urban Outfitters. They're very shiny, as I'm sure you can see. Every time I put them on, I feel like dancing, which I usually do.

These were about $2 at a rummage sale. They do sort of resemble irish dancing shoes a bit, but I'm pretty sure that they still qualify as oxfords.

I just realized that I have more shoes from Urban Outfitters than I previously thought. I ordered these at the same time as the gold wingtips, expecting to like the gold ones a lot more, but I was wrong! I've worn these way more than the gold pair. I'm not sure what it is about them that makes me love them so much; I think it's probably that they actually look a lot like men's brogues, and for some reason I seem to really like clothes that look like they were made for boys.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oh Shit


Asos Black, way beyond my budget.

When I saw these in my e-mail I seriously almost died. They are so completely and utterly amazing I hardly know what to do with myself. Never mind that there's no way I can afford these right now, especially if I want to get an apartment really soon, or that my size is already sold out, despite them just going on sale today. I still need them.

Oh beautiful shoes, I'll see you in my dreams tonight.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

She's Your Cocaine

So, apparently, this is what happens when I get distracted while I'm supposed to be looking for jobs on the internet. In case you are wondering if I was really shopping for stripper clothes/accessories online, the answer is yes. There are two things that you have to realize for this to really make sense.
  1. I love love love insanely trashy stuff. The trashier the better, really. And this love of trash is largely non-ironic! Amazing!
  2. Stripper clothes are amazing and often fairly inexpensive. If you actually look at some of this stuff and imagine it on someone without fake tits who wears clothes more often than not, there is actually some pretty nice stuff.
Another contributing factor to my visiting this website was my perusal of the Missbehave Magazine archives. Sadly defunct, this magazine advocates the kind of life I dream of on boring Sunday afternoons. Trash, glitz, and cocaine. Not that I do cocaine, but sometimes it's fun to think about being the kind of person who does do coke.

(click to see the deets, yo)
As you can see in the cart there, if you have really good eyes, everything in there adds up to only $266.93! Cheap! The first item in there, and the one that got me there in the first place, is a lovely pair of red leather thigh high boots with a 4" heel (originally seen on the blog here) for only $63.99! Amazing! You may also have noticed the Union Jack platform ankle boot at the bottom there. If you have any taste at all, you will be envisioning a young Geri Halliwell, aka Ginger Spice aka The Best Spice Girl of All in her Union Jack dress. Maybe she also had these boots, I'm really not sure. The point is that they are completely amazing and I sort of feel like I need them in my life, despite the fact that they have a 7.5" heel and that is way too tall for me to be if I don't want to hit my head going through door frames. The fact that they are under $60 makes them seem like a much better idea than they actually are, I'm sure.

The thing you are supposed to be looking at in this picture is the belt/waist cincher. I mean, you can look at the bra or the whip or whatever if that's your thing, but it isn't really what I had in mind. If you can imagine that belt thing over a long white t-shirt, or maybe over a floral pencil dress, you will really understand what has me so enamored. It would just be so B.A. and amazing, and I think it would be a pretty awesome way to jazz up something boring when I'm feeling blah.

I also really like this mask, but I can't think of anywhere I would actually wear it, or why I like it so much. I just do.

If you are interested, the website I found all of this on is Snaz75. They seem to have the best prices of all of the stripper websites I checked out. And yes, that does mean I was comparison shopping, what are you gonna do about it?

Monday, October 5, 2009

I think I dreamed you into life

Right, so apparently this exists in real life, not just in my dreams. Like, this is literally a dream come true; I have probably dreamed of myself wearing a sequined jumpsuit on more than one occasion. Some people might think that is kind of weird, but I really couldn't care less.
This is so amazing that I've just started singing that old Savage Garden song in my head.

Anyways, this amazing jumpsuit is from Asos's new Black label, and you can ogle it in more detail here.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

You tried to put the fire out, but you used gasoline

Dear January Jones,
Fuck my life and give me that dress.

As you, dear reader, may or may not know (you most likely do not) my little sister is completely in love with Neil Patrick Harris, for obvious reasons. He is ridiculously funny. Another thing that you may or may not know is that NPH hosted the Emmys last Sunday night. Laura obvs PVR'd it, and since it's not like I had anything better to do, I watched it with her. So blah blah they were funny and whatever, but here is my point: When Mad Men won for best drama at the end (which I really don't think surprised anyone) and the cast walked on stage, I was so mesmerized with January Jones' dress that I probably spent more time looking at it than Jon Hamm's face.

In case you are somehow still unclear on what he looks like, here is a picture:

So yeah, kind of a big deal. And yes, I'll admit that I spent like twenty minutes looking at pictures of him on google images. I was trying to find one of him when he guest starred on 30 Rock and wore glasses and a plaid flannel shirt (if you know me at all, you'll understand this) but they were all kind of hideous, so I gave up. Whatever.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A song I've never ever heard is stuck in my head.

I made some cool scarves, and then I took pictures so I can sell them on etsy.
For a while now I've been at a loss as to where in my house I can take pictures like this. Our house is full of stuff; there aren't blank walls anywhere. I've taken to going outside for photographs, but I didn't really want bright green foliage in the background of photos of winter scarves. Today I walked into the front hall, and realized it was the perfect place for a photo shoot. It has great light and the furniture is cute and old looking, plus the full length mirrors on the closet doors make for a great background.
Anyway, this is one of the scarves I took pictures of today, it should be up on etsy soon-ish.

Zara dress, Joe Fresh cardigan, some tights, handmade scarf

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Issues With Nerds

Last night I was at the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie, and it brought my attention to a terrible phenomenon, happening to people who are basically just like me. By this, I mean terribly nerdy and reclusive.
Obviously, I am far cooler and more awesome than most other people, but that is still no excuse for all of the Tragic Nerds out there.
I tried to find pictures on google images of what I'm talking about here, but it was simply far too depressing. This picture was really the best I could do.

The phenomenon to which I am referring is all of the people that seem to have simply given up on even trying to look remotely decent. I saw so many people in that lineup last night who cannot be described as anything but Tragic Nerds. You may be asking yourself what, exactly, defines a Tragic Nerd. This must be your lucky day, because that's what I'm here to tell you.
Most Tragic Nerds possess several of the following qualities, though Truly Tragic Nerds may possess most, or even all.
  1. Glasses With Unflattering Frames. Not to be mistaken for the ironic frames of a hipster-nerd, these frames are likely the cheapest that they were able to find in the optometrist's office, chosen not only to save money for more nerdly aspects of their lives, but also to save time and thought trying to choose something more flattering or interesting. These frames may also have been chosen specifically for their unflattering qualities, to boost the wearer's "nerd cred" within their brethren.
  2. Ill-Fitting Clothing. Possibly of vintage or hand-me-down origin, these clothes are chosen to save time and thought when getting dressed in the morning. They also succeed in establishing that the wearer cares neither about superficiality in mainstream culture, nor changing fashion trends. Thrift store clothing also saves money that can then be spent on video games or extra computer memory. Additionally, their clothing may have been bought for the wearer by their mother, most often without their presence, at stores such as Old Navy or Costco.
  3. Cheap Haircuts. Male Tragic Nerds often sport either buzz cuts or long, greasy hair. Both styles showcase to the rest of the world that they don't care what anyone thinks of them. Both are almost always unflattering. The female Tragic Nerd most often has either a short bob (usually frizzy and unkempt) or long hair that is most often kept either in one long braid, two buns on either side of their head, or pigtails. The uniting trait of all of these hairstyles is the minimal amount of time spent on upkeep, leaving more time to play Dungeons & Dragons or Magic Cards.
  4. Always Carries a Book. Books can range from the downright embarrassing (Twilight) to the more intellectual or classic (Lord of the Rings, Steven Erickson, David Eddings)* These books may be carried in a backpack, nylon purse, or perhaps even the pocket of (shudder) cargo pants. Tragic Nerds will often take any spare moment to conspicuously read these books, showcasing their intense nerdity** and indifference to the everyday events going on around them.
  5. Always Has Earphones On. Most Tragic Nerds will be listening to something such as the soundtrack to BTVS Once More, With Feeling or the like. They may also listen to scandanavian metal or J-Pop, depending on the specific breed of T.N.
These are only some of the characteristics that many Tragic Nerds share, but I'm bored now and I really can't be bothered to think of any more. Maybe I'll continue this one day, but I really doubt it.

*I'm on my brother's room and these are the books I can see on his closet shelf.
**apparently this is a word now?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All systems are go!

I've been knitting up a storm the last few days (when I should have been packing). I literally knitted until my fingers were sore; one of them is even kind of swollen. But look at what I have to show for it! I finally have stuff up in my etsy store! So go check it out! I only have 7 things in there so far, but I have more I'll be putting up in the next few days, so look out!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's a tricky tricky, this little one two

Whoah dudes (or, more accurately, dudettes) look what I did today! I had an exam at 10 this morning (or, uh, yesterday I guess, technically) and it only took half an hour to do, so I sort of had nothing to do the rest of the day, so I knitted stuff.  I actually should have been packing, but that's totally lame, so I didn't. 
That's six, count 'em, SIX mighty fine bracelets there, wouldn't you say? I also made 1 1/2 necklaces, one of which (the 1/2 one) is not even in the style of a braid! 
Also of note is the fact that the yellow bracelet seen above is made with yarn that I hand dyed with turmeric. The yarn it's made from was dyed a few months ago, and I used up the last of it on that one, but today I dyed more! It's sort of a lot of work, but it's worth it for the gorgeous colour it gives you. 

After my exam tomorrow morning, I plan on taking some more pictures, and actually putting stuff up on etsy! Whoah man!

Unrelated to the above: 
  1. It turns out that Zac Efron is a huge nerd. I saw it today on much music. They were asking him all these nerd questions, and he knew the answer to every single one!
  2. Everyone in the whole entire world should probably start listening to Röyksopp, if they don't already. Especially their newest album, Junior. I am seriously addicted and I don't want to stop.
  3. I watched three episodes of The Hills today, and I feel so dirty. The first two were in the afternoon when there was nothing else on, but then I watched the new episode tonight, and the aftershow. What's wrong with me? I seriously thought I was over this stage of my life.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I want you, I need you, oh baby oh baby

Um yeah, hi. I'm pretty sure I need this book in my life. Like, pretty much definitely. Yeah.
So maybe you want to buy it for me? I think that you probably do. You can get it here.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well then

My roommate totally gave me flack last night for wearing keds out to the bar instead of heels (what can I say? I'm lazy and already tall) but look! 
The Queen of dressing fancy is wearing the exact same keds that I have out and about at Coachella! Therefore, it must be perfectly acceptable to wear them to the nasty nasty Roadhouse. 
And it's not like there are any cute boys in this city anyways.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What's up, Doc?

I was going through pictures in iphoto today, and I saw this one, which I took for blogging purposes and never posted. 
I got these Docs on 50% off day at Value Village a month or two ago, for only $7.50! They're a little bit small, but that's just something I have to deal with; leather stretching serum will be involved. 
Also, the pink tights are very cheerful.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Whoa girl, SLOW DOWN!

So today I wore this outfit. Actually, not even this exact outfit. I wore my campers, not the ridiculous (but amazing) ankle boots I'm wearing in these photos. I would have liked to wear them, but they are not exactly practical for walking around the UofL handing out fliers for the fashion show next weekend. We didn't exactly "hand out" as much as we scattered on tables and pinned to bulletin boards, but it's the same general idea. We also put them under the windshield wipers on cars in the lot, until Leslie set off someone's alarm and we ran away.

I realize I look like a dork here and my face is incredible awkward, but my legs look really nice, so yeah...

I'm attempting to "smile with my eyes" here. I think Tyra would be so proud, don't you?
Oh wow! Here is where I added a necklace I knitted with the intention to sell. I actually took this picture with etsy in mind. Hopefully I'll be going live (with like, actual stock!) sometime in the next week or two. Not that there'll be a whole lot there, but still.
I need to look into shipping costs first, and I can't say that I really want to, but you gotta do what you gotta do!

I'm wearing: Joe Fresh dress (I love you, Superstore), Vintage silk blazer, random tights, Sam Edelman boots

Rules to live by

This is a phenomenon sweeping the world, and it is extremely pressing that we all work together to stop it as soon as possible.

The Problem: Shirts as dresses, and tights as pants. We need to stand up for our right not to see random asses hanging out all over the place! 

Here are some valuable resources in the fight against bared bums:
On Shirt or Dress? you can look at pictures of girls in questionable states of shirty-dressy-ness and VOTE on wether you think it's a dress or a shirt (It's almost never a dress).

Tights are not pants is another great one. You can download and print out a press kit, in order to spread awareness on this very important topic.

I'm sure there are many more websites out there, and if you find them, good for you. The important thing is that we band together in this hard time and help stop the madness.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Stuff I like

Someone in the world might be interested to know that I've started using my tumblr again, as of today. I need somewhere to put all the ridiculous and stupid things I find on the internet every day, and I think it's really the best way.
So, if you feel like you may have an interest in a bunch of crap that most likely only interests me, then I guess you should check it out. If not, it's probably for the best. I'm sure you can find far better uses for your time, like maybe watching a video of a dog milking a goat. I don't know.

I'm the man who loves you

I'm feeling an intense sense of need here. This girl's jumpsuit is pretty much my life right now. 
It has suddenly become extremely urgent that I acquire a nude, wide leg jumpsuit. Ideally, it would be satin or maybe like a chiffon, and would have either a mock wrap top or buttons.
I looked on etsy this afternoon and found a vintage one that would pretty much do the trick, for under $40 (with free shipping!), except for the very tiny (actually rather large) problem that the inseam of the pants comes up about 4" short.  I also found a few handmade ones that would probably do, but they are miles out of my current price range.
But I won't give up! Operation Jumpsuit must be a success!
(If anyone sees any anywhere, send a link or picture my way! My craving must be sated!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm from the future

I was just cleaning out some files/folders and I found this most excellent picture that I saved from who knows where absolutely ages ago. In general, this means that I wanted to blog about it (yes, I am aware that is probably the douchiest phrase in any language). So here we are!
I believe that my thoughts upon first seeing this picture were "Oh lord, where do I find that hat, or no, could I make that myself? How long would it take?" Obviously, I was smitten. Regardless of the fact that it looks like it's probably the most uncomfortable hat ever, I would rock that thing until the end of days. It's so next level it kind of hurst my head to think about it (ok, not really).

I'm pretty sure I still have loads of legos in my basement somewhere, or maybe at my cabin, so if anyone feels like taking the time out of their day(s) to build me this most excellent hat, I would totally owe you one. Or maybe more like ten. I don't know.

But really, think about it. It would be awesome.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I swear I'm not dead

I'm swamped with homework, so I don't have time for a real post, though I would love to procrastinate further and take the time to write one.
I have purchases/DIY stuff I need to get up here at some point, but for now I'll just leave you with what has recently become my favorite fashion blog: Garbage Dress. I don't know exactly what it is about her, but I  just can't get enough Zana. If you like things that are good, it's def worth checking out. 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm dancing for money, the perfect man.

These are the kind of shoes I've really been lusting after lately. They seem really summery to me, without being sandals, which is great because I kind of really hate sandals; I'll most likely do a post on that in the very near future.

These specific shoes are from Urban Outfitters (imagine that) and I've been eyeing them on the website for months now, but I feel like the extra $50 for shipping is really on worth it if I order a whole lot of stuff.  BUT this weekend the fam and I are venturing up to Edmonton to hit up west-ed mall, which means UO and Forever 21! Obviously there are about a million other stores there too, but I can't say I really care about them, though I wouldn't mind a quick trip to H&M; I hardly ever take the time to go there in Calgary.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I kind of want to live inside this commercial. It's just so delightfully Jem/Synergy-ish. And Bad. So so so bad. Thank you, Lindsay Lohan.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

She's just like lightning

On a scale of 1 to 10, how insane is it, really, to drop $400 on a fabulous and amazingly amazing (I know, there are no other words) pair of shoes? I want honest opinions here. 
Does it change things if you think about them almost every single day and dream about them on a regular basis, like I do these?
What if you know for a fact that if you don't buy them you'll be pining for the rest of your days?

Oh baby oh baby

So today I finally got around to making a facebook group for my knitwear line (I know! How pretentious am I?) Nanuq Handknits. I think you should note that I chose the name because it sounds really cozy and nice, and that's how I feel about knitwear. I also found out that Nanuq is actually the correct spelling of the name, at least according to some name origins/meanings website I found. So there's that. I'll also be putting stuff up on Etsy sometime in the fairly near future. I don't want to bother with the scarves, since winter is almost over, so I'll be whipping up some other stuff before I do that. Maybe some hats! You'll see. 
Hopefully this means people will buy tons of crap* off me and I'll be rolling in dough and I'll be able to buy lots of shoes! I need a couple new skirts way more than I need new shoes, but you know me! 

Also, if your name happens to be Bekki: I hate you forever and I never want to talk to you again (jokes). What I meant to say is WATCH OUT inside your mailbox. Or something. I don't know.

*I am in no way referring to the quality here. Everything is THE BEST quality ever, fyi.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

These boots were(n't) made for walking

I went to see Watchmen tonight, and immediately upon seeing Silk Specter's costume, decided that was what I needed to be for next Halloween. So tonight when I came downstairs to "go to bed" I started looking for latex/pvc thigh highs instead of sleeping. Actually, they're something I've been on the lookout for ever since I saw them in an Agent Provocateur campaign a few months ago, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. The closest I came was stretch patent boot covers, but that just won't do! Anyhow, I got waylaid by the amazing and extensive selections of stripper shoes I found along the way.

Is it terrible how badly I want these boots? Red thigh high mid-heel boots are the things of my dreams. Seriously, I'm not joking! Even with shipping and exchange, these come up just under $100, not bad for leather boots! I'm not exactly sure what I'd wear these with yet, but I'd figure something out. Probably just hot pants and a crop top (kidding). A dress or a skirt I think. Maybe even jeans! They're just too wicked for  words.
I also find myself strangely drawn to these shoes. Who cares that if I wore these I'd be 6'6" and probably have to duck through door frames? Not me!

Interesting to note: Apparently stripper shoes are really comfortable and sturdy. I would never have thought this, but it makes sense, they are designed for dancing and/or being worn by men.

UPDATE: Further research has revealed that I was using the wrong search field in google. i was saying "pvc thigh highs" or "pvc thigh high stockings" when I should have just been putting "pvc stockings", thus avoiding all the boot results. I've found quite a few now, but these are my favorites by far, though they are a little more expensive than some of the other ones I've found, they seem like they're better quality. I'm also being drawn in to the idea of a pvc pencil skirt, and at the moment actually believing that I would wear one, when in reality that would never happen.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Denim DIY + Help my friend win a TV

My friend/roommate Kirsten entered a contest with LG and Sears to design and make a pair of jeans and if she gets the most votes she'll win a big TV! So go to and make sure to vote for KIRSTEN SUMMERSGILL!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oh oh oh I'm on fire

One thing that I get a lot of at school is funny looks. For example, when I was walking back from class today I had my scarf on my head because my ears were cold and this girl gave me the weirdest look! I think she was a nursing student though, so you know.* Mainly these looks come from people in other programs, but sometimes even from fellow fashion students! Personally, I am of the opinion that that means I am doing something right. In my head other people at the college think of me as "that weird tall girl who wears crazy stuff", but I'm sure I'm just flattering myself and they don't think of me at all.
This is just so extremely cute I had to share it with everyone! If I had this little bundle of bun bun happiness and joy I would carry it everywhere in my pocket!

*I really have nothing against nursing students, honest. They are very nice people! It's just that they are always in Lulus and uggs/crocs/flip-flops or scrubs.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I feel you, I feel you

If I had an extra $600 lying around to spend on shoes, these puppies would currently be at the top of my list. I also saw these while I was on the website, which perplexed me somewhat, since they aren't in stock and came out about three years ago. I know this because I wanted them so so badly when the first came out, but sadly did not have over $300 to spend on shoes. I've been dreaming of them ever since, and I've always regretted not buying them when I had the chance. Well, my chance has come again! Seeing them again prompted me to do a quick search, and I found them on ebay in my size in the colour combination I wanted originally for $125 (canadian!) and am seriously considering making the purchase. Just let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning.

Completely unrelated: my roommates and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire tonight and HOLY was it ever good. I almost cried at the end, which is kind of a big deal because I honestly never cry in movies. If you haven't seen it yet GO NOW! I swear that unless you hate feelings you will love this movie. An interesting fact that I noticed was that the guy that played Anwar on Skins played Jamal (the lead character).

Crocodile soup, crocodile soup, is I see one more pair of these I think I'm gonna puke

I'm sure that I'm not alone in my thoughts that the main reason that people wear crocs is because they are extremely sloppy and lazy, and just want to be comfortable and obviously don't give a shit about how they look or how others perceive them, not because they think they look nice/are stylish.
BUT THEN the other day I was walking to the res office to pick up a package (from MAC! Hi hi Hello Kitty!) and I saw a woman wearing decorated crocs. This got me thinking; if you care enough to go to the trouble of embellishing your shoes, you must care about how they look, which means that this woman (I can't bring myself to call someone in crocs a lady) must have actually liked these shoes. Up until this point I assumed that everyone knew crocs were ugly, but wore them regardless. Now I am not so sure. My world is crashing down around me.

SEE? Why would you do this to your shoes if you didn't like them? Also, how can someone do this to their shoes and still have respect for themselves?
I also came across this little gem: You by Crocs. Apparently the brand is branching out into "fashionable" (read: weird, boring, and ugly) footwear, which is supposedly comfortable. Even if the shoes were nice, I couldn't buy them on principle. I refuse to be a part of a brand that is further encouraging the slobinization of the world through excessively hideous footwear. When will people learn that shoes can be comfortable AND beautiful?
Also, a note to whoever writes the product descriptions on the crocs website: 3.5" in no way equates to a "towering" heel. 3.5" is pretty moderate. In that vein, a 3" platform wedge is NOT "super high". That's nothing.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I got a date with the night

There is a NEW Yeah Yeah Yeahs album coming out! This is how excited I am:
I have to wait all the way till April but I can do it! I am so so so happy about this, you have no idea. They Yeah Yeah Yeahs are one of my very favorite bands of all time and I have been waiting so long for a new album!
Also, if you are somehow not aware of this, Karen O is probably my one major fashion icon, more in the way of rocking whatever ridiculous thing you want to wear than actually dressing like her, per-se, but she has mad confidence and she's totally incredible. Actually she's one of the reasons I wanted to dye my hair black, and once someone said I reminded them of her and it made my day. Also, I've been considering getting my hair cut into a Karen O-esque bowl cut for the last year, but I have serious doubts as to my ability to pull it off.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's reading week, but I aint reading

This is more of what I've been up to:

Far more of the former than the latter, unfortunately (fortunately for my liver, though, I suppose). I have a few things cooking in the knitting-related realm, but I don't want to go into super detail lest I jinx/get ahead of myself. I have a bunch more stuff I really want to get finished before I go back to school on monday, so my fingers are crossed. 
My plans for the next few days include:
  1. Helping my little sister henna her hair
  2. Buying new jeans (all of mine that I like have holes in them)
  3. Stopping by my favorite yarn store to buy the most amazing yarn ever, Soft Chunky from Twinkle (sooo soft) for the most amazing sweater I have in mind.
  4. Finishing Chels's vest
  5. Knitting up a storm!
Plus some other more secretive things, especially Nanuq!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dream Hair?

I think that, as much as I go for the absolute opposite of this in my normal life, this is my dream hair. I can only imagine how amazing it would be to have hair like that. Sigh.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dear The World,

"Recessionista" is not an acceptable word to be using, ever. In fact, is is NOT A WORD at all. Yes, I said it. I think it is gross and I honestly want to puke every single time i hear (or, more often, read) it. Whoever made it up should be severely punished, perhaps with one of these devices. My personal favorite is the hanging cage, but I prefer the one I saw in Germany that looks like a giant bird cage with giant spikes all over  the bottom, so you might get the opportunity to bleed to death before dying of starvation or exposure. Lovely. 
While we're at it, can we also stop with the "fashionista"/"stylista" business? It really is nearly as bad. Can't you just say that someone is stylish? Is it really necessary to make up stupid, ridiculous words to say something so simple?

Thank You.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I've never had a job because I've never wanted one

Whoa, look: an outfit post! Dude. I know. Today I was feeling a little bad-ass (more bad-ass esque, I guess, I'm not sure I'm capable of true bad-assery) So I wore my leather look leggings and sweet sweet Sam Edelman ankle boots that I hadn't actually worn out yet. I also wore a flannel I stole from my Dad this weekend, I ransacked the house for clothes and ended up with a pretty dece haul, including several (un-ripped) flannels of my father's. This picture is in my living room, if you were wondering. Now you know what another part of my house looks like. Please note the tiger blanket and crying baby piggy bank.
They're actually a bit big, but I ordered them from UO and by the time I got them they were sold out of the grey ones and I didn't want another colour, so whatever, it just means I can wear real socks. AND you should be proud of me, I actually wore them all day at school (8:30-3) and I usually end up changing into flats after my first class (I'm a bit of a wimp)

And Now, Things That Happened Today:
  1. We learnt about how, in the 18th Century, women used to wear wigs up to 3' tall (most women at the time were between 4' and 5' tall)and decorate them with such tasteful things as model ships, vases full of flowers, and cages with live birds inside. We think that that would be an excellent party theme.
  2. During the fashion club meeting, two of my teachers ogled my boots the whole time and told me they were the most amazing thing ever (one said she worshiped them) and at the end of the meeting told everyone to look at my boots because they were so amazing. Then everyone freaked their beans for a bit. You should also note that there is a map of New York on the sole.
  3. Also in the fashion club meeting, we discussed out upcoming pub crawl, with the theme "neon-a-thon", and i must say I'm actually looking forward to it.
  4. For our retail buying class, we had to do consumer research in the form of a fashion count or questionnaire. I am at a loss as to what this actually has to do with retail buying, actually, we haven't really learned anything about actual retail buying yet, but I digress. My group chose to count the number of girls wearing Uggs, Lululemon sweatpants, and both at once. Out of 200 girls in the college that walked by us, 54 fit in to one of the categories. That's over 25%! EW! And now we have to write a ten page paper about our findings, oh wait, NO, I believe our teacher's exact words were "Oh, um, I don't know? Is 10 pages fair? I think that sounds good?" Right. That should be lovely.
  5. I forgot it was only Tuesday several times and got excited about it being Wednesday, and then got very sad when I realized it was not.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I was extreme amounts of excited the other day when I finally finished my sweater, until I tried it on. I knew it was going to be bigger than I had wanted, but I was still rather surprised when I put it on...
I'm not really sure what exactly happened, since I took the pattern for another sweater I'd made in the same yarn and added about 10 stitches to it, but it's really just gigantic, and I don't really want to re-do it, since it took a lot of time. Perhaps I'll like it better if I shorten the sleeves a bit? That would be the easiest thing to do.
See? It's about the size for the biggest person in the world. But maybe I'll like it better if I wear it out? If other people like it I might feel a little better. Regardless, I won't be re-doing it for a while if I decide to, it was a little stressful to knit!
What can you do?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dear Magazines, you're killing me

I really do wish that I could live off of magazines, because if I buy many more of the ones I really like I may not be able to afford food. I know I did a post a while back hating on magazines a little, but in the last few months I've cultivated a love affair/obsession with them. To be more specific, with ultra-cool foreign mags, which tend to be far more expensive than North American magazines like Elle or (shudder) American Vogue, but I believe that they are well worth the extra cost, since I tend to look back at them over and over again, whereas with American mags I read them once, then only use them to cut up for projects. I think the only American magazine I'll be reading in the foreseeable future is Nylon, and only because I got a free subscription through Urban Outfitters.
In a way I'm glad that most of the magazines I like only come out twice a year, since they're so expensive, but I'm at a loss of what to do between issues. 
I'm especially excited about this Vogue Collections magazine I got today, which will be my prized possession for the next few months. I don't even want to think about how expensive it was (let's just say the clerk at Chapters did a double-take, picked it up, and said "this is the most expensive magazine I've ever seen!"). It's well worth it, though! It has collections from Paris, Milan, London and New York fashion weeks as well as an accessories section, and let me just say that it is killing me. I looked through it quickly and I was somewhere between drooling and crying the entire time. So, if you find me crying under my covers with all the lights off, you know who to blame.


I need these shoes. I need them I need them I need them. I've always really loved docs, but I've steered away from them in the past because I feel like they would make my feet look bigger than they are and accentuate my skinny ankles (they are really really skinny, in a weird way). My fears were somewhat assuaged when I came into possession of a pair of worn-the-fuck-out 20 eyelet black docs that I've never worn because they are in dire need of insoles and don't have shoelaces (if anyone knows where to buy really long laces, drop me a line!) that didn't make me look that odd.
BUT the point of this post was these blue plaid and daisy docs I just found on e-bay that I need desperately with all my heart. They're even in my size! I mean, isn't that like, a sign or something? I've got about 39 hours to decide how much they're worth. (My heart is saying priceless, but my credit card disagrees)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

4:30 am: Who needs sleep?

I just finished the FRONT of my sweater, and it is entirely next level in the best possible way.
The only problem is that I may have overdone it a little on the oversized front, I'm still deciding.
BUT in order to be extraordinarily mean, you don't get to see it until it's all done, sewn together, and on my body. HAHA. And really, who knows how long that might take? A week? A month? (I'll probably be done by monday)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Commencing countdown, engines on.

Dear Intarsia, could you please be more confusing?
Actually, intarsia isn't exactly hard, just messy, since you have to attach a new bobbin (not the word I was looking for, but it'll do) for every colour section, so they do get a little tangled. I'm having a few second thoughts now that I've actually started the sweater. The only intarsia I did before this was a hat with little hearts on it. I've done more than sufficient research (I even learnt how to do faire isle knitting!) so I do feel I'm prepared, but I'm still nervous about the results. I also can't help but think that I should have tried something a little bit simpler first.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh Rodarte

I've really been loving Rodarte's F/W 08/09 collection lately, especially the deliciously deconstructed and destroyed knits. And the shoes, obviously. The shoes are absolutely amazing.
But more about the knits. On first sight they look rather simple, but upon closer examination they are surprisingly intricate. 

I think the stockings (tights? hose? I'm not sure what to call them) are probably the most wearable/accessible, and simple. When I finally get down to Michael's I'll have to pick up some thin mohair-esque yarn and large gauge circular or double-pointed needles, and I should be able to whip these up in no time flat. Just drop a stitch here, add a couple there...
And they'll even give me a reason to wear my garters (there's no way I'm doing anything so much as resembling a waistband) woo-hoo, double goodness!